BIAS,LLC Upcoming Event!
Learn what's keeping you from maximizing your VA benefits!
The "Keeping It Real" seminar is here to provide clarity to a confusing process!
When: TBA Where: TBA
Coming soon ticket information - Click here to contact
This seminar will hopefully give the attendee a new hope in getting what they know they should have already acquired. Keep in mind that not every one will get 100% for a rating. There is a lot of folklore when it comes to the VA process. There is a huge difference in what can be, what will be, and what actually is. The fear veterans may have usually come from not knowing and what others gave half stories as whole facts. Whether you’re just starting your claim process or been fighting for years, the information provided will open your eyes to possibilities of success that has eluded many veterans. We know that nothing is guaranteed but success seems highly possible when you are armed with the proper gear for the mission at hand. Knowledge is still power, the goal of this seminar is to show you how to use it.
If you are interested in a BIAS seminar for veterans that are within your organization or group please feel free to contact us either through email or phone.
NononsenseN8© is here to provide his own personal tips, strategies, and lessons learned on VA processing. NononsenseN8 is not an accredited agent, VSO, attorney, or any other entity recognized by the department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Makes NO guarantees of any results by using the information from any marketing, audio, and/or video tools and should not be considered as any form of policy, medical and/or legal advice.
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DISCLAIMER: Boots In Action Services (BIAS), LLC is not an accredited agent, VSO, attorney, or entity recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Makes NO guarantee of any results and should not be considered as any form of policy, medical and/or legal advice. We are a licensed company in the State of North Carolina that has chosen to educate veterans in support of their own process. The information covered is strictly for informational, educational, and marketing purposes. Please keep in mind that you are taking full responsibility for your actions If you wish to apply the ideas that are covered which may include verbal or written discussions of legal issues and procedures and any corresponding communications are understood to be only the opinion of BIAS, LLC and does not constitute legal assistance. Any use of the methods described within are personal opinions and not intended to be a definitive set of instructions. Veterans are fully aware and/or may discover that there are other methods, materials and other entities available to them such as the VA website to accomplish the same end result.